Nourishing Minds, Transforming Futures: Kaigwazanga Primary School’s Journey Towards Ending Child Labor

In the heart of the Primary School that we are working in stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. the school s community’s dedication to providing nutritious meals through school feeding programs and nurturing their own crops reflects a spirit of determination and progress.

The feeding program remains steadfast, thanks to supplies of flour and efforts to improve kitchen inventory. However, such as the need for additional cooking pots to streamline meal preparation and ensure timely servings for the students.

The journey of cultivating own-grown crops—maize, soya, and groundnuts—has been a progress. The maize fields show promise, the looming threat of dry spells underscores the uncertainty faced by farmers. Similarly, the cultivation of soya and groundnuts is hindered by dry spells, despite meticulous planning and efforts such as scheduled weeding and foliar application.

The community’s involvement in the selling of maize at Chiwaliwali reflects a collaborative approach to sustainability. Despite initial communication barriers, representatives from various groups are working together to monitor the process and ensure its success, reinforcing the school’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

Looking Ahead as we reflect on the journey thus far, we’re filled with optimism and determination. With each challenge comes an opportunity for growth at the Primary School, we’re embracing this ethos wholeheartedly. In the coming months, we look forward to overcoming hurdles, nurturing our crops to fruition, and continuing to provide nourishment for both body and mind.

The Primary School’s endeavors exemplify the power of resilience, community, and unwavering commitment to progress. As we navigate the complexities of our journey, we remain steadfast in our mission to cultivate success, one meal, and one harvest at a time. Together, we’re not just sowing seeds—we’re nurturing futures. ENDING CHILD LABOUR

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